PCOS Awareness

PCOS Awareness

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fat Does Not Equal Lazy

Up to 30% of women with PCOS can gain weight and become obese even with normal caloric intake and regular exercise.

For an entire year I worked out every day, at least an hour a day (weight training AND cardio).  I also ate a very healthy, low-fat, low-carb diet.  Over the course of a year I only lost 25 pounds.  That was just in the first couple of months.  When my body adjusts to the changes I've made, I stop losing weight.  My husband lost over 100 pounds using this same diet and exercise regimen.  I was very physically fit but I was (and still am) obese.

I've tried just about every diet and exercise program out there.  I'll lose about 25 pounds initially, then once my body figures out what is going on, I start gaining again.  My husband is very physically fit and he watched me try over and over to lose weight.  He said it didn't make sense.  I thought I was crazy until I read that statistic on the PCOS web site a couple of years ago.  The only way I can lose weight is to literally starve myself.  I want to lose weight to be healthy, but I'm turning 40 this year and I don't care what people say or think about my weight anymore.  I started gaining weight when I hit puberty and it has never stopped.  At my heaviest I was 350.  I'm about 305 now, and that's just because I hardly eat.

Don't criticize what you don't know or understand.  Just because I'm fat, it does not mean I'm lazy and eat junk all day.  It may be true of some obese people, but it isn't true for me.

Just because it works a certain way for your body, it doesn't mean it works that way for everyone, especially women with PCOS.

It's time we stop judging others based on our own experiences.  Until you have lived through someone else's struggles, you don't know how it is.

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