PCOS Awareness

PCOS Awareness

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Headaches - They Are A Real Pain

I've had headaches since I was a kid.  As I've gotten older, they have gotten worse.  I have three types of headaches:  1)  Sinus Headache  2)  TMJ Headache  3) Migraine

1)  I have terrible sinuses.  Without my daily Allegra and Flonase, I would be a sneezy, itchy, runny-nosed, hive-covered mess.  I'm allergic to just about everything, it seems.  I'm allergic to pet dander, pollen, grass, dust, and it seems just about everything else.  If I forget to take my Allegra, by the end of the day everything itches.  I start breaking out in little red hives that itch like you wouldn't believe.  I also sneeze, get a runny nose, and my eyes water.  If I get around pets that aren't hypoallergenic (like my poodles are), I will have an asthma attack.  If I forget to take my Flonase before bed, I can't breathe, so I can't sleep.  Allergies suck.  Some days I just get a lot of pressure in my sinuses.  It feels like my head is being squeezed in a vice.  Those days really suck.

2)  I have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (also referred to as TMJ or TMD).  It is a real nuisance.  My jaws pop really loudly if I try to open my mouth too wide.  My jaw also gets out of alignment and I have to pop it back into place.  Sometimes this can be really painful.  The most annoying side effect of my TMJ is that I get headaches.  My neck gets really tight and then the headache begins.  It begins at the base of my skull and works its way up.  It's awful.  I first noticed my jaw popping when I was 18.  It used to be just one of my mandible joints.  When I was 25, I spoke to my dentist about it and he recommended that I have my wisdom teeth removed.  He said it might help with the jaw popping and the headaches.  So, $1000 co-pay and an oral surgery later and I still have TMJ.  I went back to my dentist and he recommended a dental appliance to wear when I sleep.  He said it would help with my headaches.  So, $750 co-pay later and a piece of plastic in my mouth and I still had TMJ.  The dental appliance did help with the headaches.  However, it made my other mandible joint start popping and it made my teeth brittle.  I started developing little chips in a couple of my teeth.  I stopped wearing the dental appliance.  Next I went to a doctor that specializes in TMJ.  He sent me to a physical therapist that showed me some exercises to do to relax the tension in my jaw.  The exercises help when my jaw gets out of alignment and they help a little bit with the headaches.  However, I was still getting headaches very frequently.  I started going to a chiropractor because one of my friends said it helped her TMJ headaches.  This has been the best solution for me.  If I go for an adjustment once a week, I don't get as many TMJ headaches.

3)  I don't get migraines very often, but when I do, it's absolutely miserable.  Sometimes, my migraine comes from a sinus headache gone awry.  Sometimes, I get a migraine because I have both a TMJ headache and a sinus headache simultaneously.  On the days that I get a migraine, the only thing that helps is Excedrin and a bed in a cool, dark room. 

I have had a headache for the last three days.  I've been pretty miserable.  It's Spring, so I have a little sinus pressure, but it isn't too bad.  Mostly, my headaches have been caused by my TMJ.  Last night it was bordering on a migraine headache.  I went to bed early.  I've not been to the chiropractor in about two weeks and I'm paying for it.  It just seems like there has been too much going on and I haven't had the time to go.  Tomorrow, I'm going to have to make time.  I don't think I can handle these headaches much longer.      

My headaches could also be caused by my PCOS.  There has been no real research connecting PCOS and headaches and/or migraines.  However, if you are part of any PCOS Support Group, many of the women complain of headaches and/or migraines.  I've had headaches since puberty, so it makes sense to me.  Puberty is when many of my PCOS symptoms began appearing (weight gain, acne, irregular periods, etc.). 

I hope some day they find a cure for PCOS.  It affects so many areas of our health.  Until a cure is found, I will just take it day by day.  I'm thankful to be alive and I'm thankful for all of the blessings in my life.  I will just work through the irregular periods, acne, hair loss, hirsuitism, weight gain, Type II Diabetes, hypothyroidism, high triglycerides, infertility, anxiety, insulin resistance, skin tags, ovarian pain, and headaches.  (These are just my symptoms from PCOS.  There are several others that many women experience.  It affects each woman differently and varies in severity.)  Some days are worse than others, but I woke up this morning, I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful children.  I have a roof over my head, food in my kitchen, and a bed to sleep in.  I'm blessed in many ways despite the obstacles my body presents.    

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