PCOS Awareness

PCOS Awareness

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Things Kids Say

Parenting is always an adventure.  Some days are great, and some days you want to pull your hair out.  However, there is rarely a day that goes by when one of my children doesn't say or do something funny or heart warming.  I've been compiling a list of my Facebook posts regarding funny or sweet things my kids have said or done.  Here are some of my favorites.

Jordan was learning to talk and he could already say, Mama, Dada, dog, bath, bear, and of course the go-to word, NO.  He said his first sentence at bedtime tonight:

"Mama, no bed!"  I was so excited that I didn't even mind that he was giving me a hard time. 

Jordan had a really bad cough and the doctor wouldn't give him anything for it.  I was running a steam shower for him in the bathroom.  Brennan came in to use the bathroom.  It was really steamy and I watch him start rubbing his eyes and squinting.  Finally, he says, "Mommy, there's something wrong with my eyes.  I can't see."  Then he tried wiping his eyeball with his hand. 

We had Brennan's 4th Birthday Party today.  He had so much fun.  As I was putting him to bed, he said, "Thank you Mommy, for my Happy Birthday party."

We were taking the kids to the zoo and they were all so excited.  Brennan says to Daddy, "We're going to see the animals and the assholegators!" 

I think he needs a little more speech therapy.

I put up the Christmas Tree today and every time Jordan looks at the tree he says, "Thank you, Mommy!" 

That kid melts my heart.

I'm getting ready to get in the shower and I hear Jordan singing on the baby monitor, "I'm having a bad, bad day.  It's about time things go my way." 

This kid is all about "Despicable Me" and the Minions.

Jordan peed on the potty again this morning.  And when I say, "on the potty", I mean no where near the actual bowl.  He peed on the seat and the toilet lid.  At one point he actually asked me to help him hold is pee-pee because he couldn't do it right.  I told him he had to do it himself.  The joys of potty training.

We're watching "Bambi" and his mother was just shot by the hunter.

Jordan says, "Aww, he's sad."  And then he goes back to playing.  Meanwhile, Mommy is sitting here tearing up.

My kids want to go play in the snow so badly.  I'm really sick and want no part of being outside. 

Jordan says, "Let's go play in the snow."

I reply, "I'm sorry, baby.  Mommy is sick today and I can't go outside."

Jordan says, "Open your mouth."  I oblige.  He says, "Your mouth isn't broken so you're not sick.  Let's go outside." 

Brennan has to ride a Special Needs bus because he is unable to stay in his seat due to his ADHD.  This morning, while waiting for the bus in the warm car, Summer would not stay seated.  She would not listen to Daddy at all.

Brennan looked at Daddy and said, "Maybe Summer needs to take the Special Bus too?"

While Potty-Training Brennan
Brennan is in the bathroom sitting on the potty.  I'm getting Jordan changed for bed.  Brennan yells from the bathroom, "Mommy, I can't pee!"

I reply, "Why not?"

Brennan says, "My pee-pee is too big!"

I respond, "Stop playing with it!"  I had no idea little boys thought their penises are toys at such a young age.  I thought that only happened beginning at puberty.  LOL

Jordan Being Jordan
If Jordan is speaking to a specific parent and you try to answer on their behalf, Jordan will ALWAYS say, "I'm not talking to you!  I'm talking to _____!"  It's funny and cute right now, but eventually I'll have to start to reprimand him for talking to us that way.  LOL

I'm sure you have noticed that my daughter is not responsible for any of these funny sayings.  She doesn't say too many of these gems.  She really hasn't developed a sense of humor yet.  I hope that comes in time.  She has her own gifts though.  She likes to "mother" my youngest, Jordan.  She is also very bossy.  I think she gets that from me.  LOL

Kids also do really funny things.  I don't always think it's funny at the time, but eventually it becomes amusing.

The night the kids opened an entire box of Band-Aids while playing in their room.

The night Brennan decided to "hide" his toys in the toilet instead of putting them away.

The kids playing in the dirt on July 4th.

The day Jordan played in the muddy lake water.

The day Brennan "caught" a dead fish in the lake.

The day Summer refused to take a normal picture.

The day Daddy dressed Jordan for church.

Being a mother isn't easy, but it is such a blessing.  I cherish these funny things they say and do.  They grow up so fast.  If you blink, you'll miss it.  I don't want to miss any of it.  I waited 12 years to become a mother. 


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